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[1] "daviddeley.com/autohotkey/xprxmp/autohotkey_expression_examples.htm#A"


01 command line 파라메터를 오토핫키 스크립트로 보내는 방법

- Arguments are delimited by white space, which is either a space or a tab.
- The caret character (^) is not recognized as an escape character or delimiter. The character is handled completely by the command-line parser in the operating system before being passed to the argv array in the program.
- A string surrounded by double quotation marks ("string") is interpreted as a single argument, regardless of white space contained within. A quoted string can be embedded in an argument.
- A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash (\") is interpreted as a literal double quotation mark character (").
- Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they immediately precede a double quotation mark.
- If an even number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark, one backslash is placed in the argv array for every pair of backslashes, and the double quotation mark is interpreted as a string delimiter.
- If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark, one backslash is placed in the argv array for every pair of backslashes, and the double quotation mark is "escaped" by the remaining backslash, causing a literal double quotation mark (") to be placed in argv.


02 command line에서 보낸 파라메터를 받는 방법

NumParams = %0%
Param1 = %1%
Param2 = %2%
Param3 = %3%
MsgBox NumParams = %0%
MsgBox Param1 = %1%
MsgBox Param2 = %2%
MsgBox Param3 = %3%


03 Example

"20210226 1830 test.ahk"

NumParams = %0%
Param1 = %1%
Param2 = %2%
Param3 = %3%
MsgBox NumParams = %0%
MsgBox Param1 = %1%
MsgBox Param2 = %2%
MsgBox Param3 = %3%

command line, or Poweshell




Posted by Weneedu

출처: https://privatedevelopnote.tistory.com/81 [개인노트]