EN Take(noun)

[EN] English 2021. 3. 6. 11:21

20210305 2103 



[1] Bloomberg quicktake

[2] "ell.stackexchange.com/questions/213245/meaning-of-a-quick-take"

[3] "www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCHm1qHv6o8"

[4] "www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/take"


01 a brief review[1,2]

The idea should occupy a lot of my time but that's better suited to a quick take.


02 opinion

a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment

the amount of money received : PROCEEDS, RECEIPTS, INCOME ; Share, Cut


"She was asked for her take on recent developments"

"Wht's your take on it?" [3,4]


03 scene

a scene or sequence of sound or vision photographed or recorded continuously at one tim

"He completed a particularly difficult scene in two takes"


(note) 내가 아는 단어만 있는데 무슨 소린지 전혀 모르겠다[3].

-- What is your take (on/about it)?            think, opinion

-- What do you make of it?                    "think"

-- I don know what to make of it              meaing, intention

-- Where do you come down (on it)?        ⇒ support





Posted by Weneedu

출처: https://privatedevelopnote.tistory.com/81 [개인노트]